Logicom Solutions helps leading organisations address digital disruption. Our comprehensive range of solutions and services provide the tools needed to design, build, execute and support innovative digital strategies.
As the largest services and solutions integrator in Cyprus, Logicom Solutions has built its reputation and success through its values and culture. Embedded in our everyday operations are our core values – uncompromising integrity, commercial agility, operational efficiency, service quality and people development. Together with our extensive depth of experience, these values shape our customer-oriented corporate culture.
Logicom Solutions has also established a strong presence in Greece, known as ICT Logicom Solutions, and having a team of highly skilled professionals is dedicated to offering advanced technological solutions and services.
We work with organisations across a range of different industries, who trust us to support their goals through the design and implementation of digital solutions. We add value to their services, ensuring they sustain their competitive advantage. Our approach is holistic – focusing with laser-intensity on the individual digital transformation strategy and journey of every organisation.